12_Momentum #14 - 18 | video and cello Sue Schlotte 3:38 SUE SCHLOTTE MOMENTUM – minute music for diversity Restricting diversity is hostile to life on all levels - in the reception of music as well as ecologically or socially. Getting involved with the unfamiliar, promoting and appreciating diversity, that's what I want to inspire with MOMENTUM# - Minute Music for Diversity. Each of the music videos is unique. Films #1 – 17 show the cello with its immense richness of sound, e.g. very close to the bridge, played with a round bow, plucked or as a percussion instrument. From MOMENTUM #18 on it's all about encounters with a wide variety of artists. In addition to the cello, the color orange is the link in the MINUTE MUSIC videos. It appears in all videos - as a piece of clothing, background, utensil. Orange stands for joy, maturity and the desire for communication. It is a warning color and traditionally means the highest level of awareness in India. Since March 2022 I publish videos on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube. A selection of the videos can be seen in the August 2022 issue of MOPOMOSO TV and in Ebba Jahn's video collage IDEA - MINIATURES BY IMPROVISERS, the film premiere was in September 22 at the festival UNERHÖRT! in Hamburg. Improvised music is an important part of Sue Schlotte’s style. Her concerts are characterized by unpredictability and a special vividness. During her solo performances Sue Schlotte is exploring the sound variety of her instrument. Round bow - in addition to the modern bow - and voice broaden and intensify the multi layers of sound. In reference to any given occasion and situation she includes the concept of space and movement. She frequently works together with artists of dance, performance, literature or live painting as well. In Bonn, Germany she is a leader of the concert series Stille & Fülle. She lives with her family in Darmstadt. www.sueschlotte.de Screenings Mopomoso TV premiere June 23, 2024 The Wrong Biennale 1.11.23 -31.3.2024 |