

After The Wrong Biennale 6
 the official film page for:

VIDEO EDITION PAVILION | 58 min., April 2024

1.   Hamlet Robot | Nam June Paik's filmed by Bill Smith | music Adam Bohman, Marcello Magliocchi, Adam Northover 2:24
2.   Lady in Red | music Paul Hubweber | camera Kovac_Am 3:40
3.   Dedication to MsDz | video & sound excerpts by Danielle Swain 2:30
4.   Artificial Reminissence | music Erhard Hirt 4:29
5.   Triptych | music Erhard Hirt 1:17
6.   Purple Field | music Sylvia Hallett 1:20
7.   Klops | digital art Tamara Tube | music Sylvia Hallett 2:04
8.   Hitting IT | b/w video & sound Beate Gördes, colour video Ebba Jahn 1:27
Tuia Cherici manucinema, Els Vandeweyer, Hui-Chun Lin | Kühlspot video Bernd Kumar 5:16
10. Train Leaving Spandau | video & music Klaus Kürvers, Rudi Fischerlehner 2:00
11. Rose | music Jean - Michel Van Schouwburg, Philip Gibbs 0:54
12. Momentum #14 -#18 | video & music Sue Schlotte, Annette Stachs 3:48
13. Tape to Tape | music Paul Hubweber 1:15
14. Phases | artworks Dwayne Jahn | music Raffaele Casarano Band featuring Dhafer Yussef 5:00
15. Tele-Aetna | photos & music Erhard Hirt 1:27
16. Flux Surreal | collages Stefania Buzatu| music & sound Nello Toscano 8:08
17. Spiders | music Yoko Miura, Lawrence Casserley 1:08
18. Tautologies | performance, music & video Maria Sappho 4:15
19. Wooden Water Wheel | music Liz Allbee, Klaus Kürvers 0:50
20. Rapeseed Field | music Bass Quartet SEQUOIA 0:59
Psiibibii| photos Gudrun Arndt | music Elo Masing, Hui-Chun Lin 1:00
22. The Pulse of Silence | video excerpt Matthias Boss 1:00 

If not stated otherwise video concepts, editing, production
(c) 2023/24 by Ebba Jahn

* A Vimeo Showcase with individual videos is available for exhibitions upon request.
* A 58 Minute video version is available for screenings at festivals, exhibitions, art spaces
, music clubs - please contact EbbaJahn@aol.com
* For a limited time VOD Streaming is possible

The 22 pieces are...



2_Lady in Red | 3:40 min. 

"The music for Lady In Red is an excerpt from my ALINEO_Suite. The images very directly invited me to combine the two." PH

"...Paul Hubweber’s masterful control of any timbral aspect of the instrument guarantees music that transcends the trombone itself to become a soulful expression, a creature that continually moves and modifies its forms, appearing and disappearing just like a ghost..." Massimo Ricci / touchingextremes.com


3_Dedication to MsDz | videos by Danielle Swain | VIDEO EDITION PAVILION

3_Dedication to MsDz 2:30 min. - compilation by Ebba Jahn

I found Danielle Swain's works spread out in an online archive with a common creative license and hardly any views. I tried to contact her but my message via fb remained unanswered. Then I found this self portrait in her flickr gallery - I may have found her too late...


4_Artificial Reminiscence of TV Sets | music Erhard Hirt | VIDEO EDITION PAVILION

4_Artificial Reminiscence of TV Sets, video by Ebba Jahn 4:30 Stream VOD

"This minimalistic video is the result of my first encounter with artificial intelligence image generating possibilities through word prompts. As an artist I find it fascinating how a variety of my words can visualize my present video theme: artistic views of TV sets." EJ

Original synthesizer and guitar music from 1994 by German free jazz musician Erhard Hirt adds atmosphere to this 4:30 min. visual experience

ERHARD HIRT http://erhardhirt.de/  fb


6_Purple Field | music Sylvia Hallett | VIDEO EDITION PAVILION

6_Purple Field | 1:20


The Wrong Biennale 1.11.23 -31.3.2024
Mopomoso TV, March 2024


7_Klops | digital art Tamara Tube, music Sylvia Hallett | VIDEO EDITION PAVILION

7_Klops | music Sylvia Hallett 2:04

This is the only completely computer generated digital artwork video in the Pavilion. I found a clip by anonymous Tamara with a creative commons license attached and reworked it. Mopomoso musician Sylvia Hallett created the music by bowing branches with effect.


The Wrong Biennale 1.11.23 -31.3.2024
Mopomoso TV, March 2024


8_Hitting IT | video by Ebba Jahn and Beate Gördes | VIDEO EDITION PAVILION

8_Hitting IT by Ebba Jahn | Beate Gördes 

Hitting IT HD 1:27 min. - a collaboration video by

Beate Gördes - b/w video & sound
Ebba Jahn - recycled cc colour video, final editing, production

Thanks to Lacuna Art Festivals 2023:
This video artwork was created by two artists who have never met. Artists signed up for a project entitled 'Metamorphosise This' and were asked to provide an incomplete artwork for another artist to collaborate on and finish. We used a spreadsheet formulae to randomly assign each artwork to another artist. Artists then had four weeks to complete the artwork.

A match made in creative heaven, circles and lines, color infusing b/w - an inspiring visual ride!

45. Duisburger Akzente, Lokal Harmonie in DU-Ruhrort 17.3.2024
Lacuna Arts Festivals, Guerilla Girls Gallery online, July 17 - 31, 2023 
Kühlspot Berlin, Preview
The Wrong Biennale online Pavilion Nov 1 - March 31, 2024


9_Cherici/Vandeweyer/Lin | VIDEO EDITION PAVILION

9_Els Vandeweyer, Tuia Cherici, Hui-Chun Lin | Video Kühlspot 5:16

TUIA CHERICI manu-cinema http://manucinema.blogspot.com/p/livecamera-performance.html
ELS VANDEWEYER vibraphone  www.elsvandeweyer.com                      
HUI-CHUN LIN cello https://www.huichunlin.com/
Bernd Kumar - Event Video


12_Momentum #14 - 18 | video and music Sue Schlotte | VIDEO EDITION PAVILION

12_Momentum #14 - 18 | video and cello Sue Schlotte 3:38


MOMENTUM – minute music for diversity

Restricting diversity is hostile to life on all levels - in the reception of music as well as ecologically or socially. Getting involved with the unfamiliar, promoting and appreciating diversity, that's what I want to inspire with MOMENTUM# - Minute Music for Diversity.

Each of the music videos is unique. Films #1 – 17 show the cello with its immense richness of sound, e.g. very close to the bridge, played with a round bow, plucked or as a percussion instrument. From MOMENTUM #18 on it's all about encounters with a wide variety of artists.

In addition to the cello, the color orange is the link in the MINUTE MUSIC videos. It appears in all videos - as a piece of clothing, background, utensil. Orange stands for joy, maturity and the desire for communication. It is a warning color and traditionally means the highest level of awareness in India.

Since March 2022 I publish videos on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube. A selection of the videos can be seen in the August 2022 issue of MOPOMOSO TV and in Ebba Jahn's video collage IDEA - MINIATURES BY IMPROVISERS, the film premiere was in September 22 at the festival UNERHÖRT! in Hamburg.

Improvised music is an important part of Sue Schlotte’s style. Her concerts are characterized by unpredictability and a special vividness. During her solo performances Sue Schlotte is exploring the sound variety of her instrument. Round bow - in addition to the modern bow - and voice broaden and intensify the multi layers of sound. In reference to any given occasion and situation she includes the concept of space and movement. She frequently works together with artists of dance, performance, literature or live painting as well.

In Bonn, Germany she is a leader of the concert series Stille & Fülle. She lives with her family in Darmstadt.



Mopomoso TV premiere June 23, 2024

The Wrong Biennale 1.11.23 -31.3.2024


13_Tape to Tape | music Paul Hubweber | VIDEO EDITION PAVILION

13_Tape to Tape | 1:20 play Video on Demand

 PAUL HUBWEBER trombone, guitar, composition

"...Paul Hubweber’s masterful control of any timbral aspect of the instrument guarantees music that transcends the trombone itself to become a soulful expression, a creature that continually moves and modifies its forms, appearing and disappearing just like a ghost...." Massimo Ricci / touchingextremes.com



14_Phases | artworks Dwayne Jahn, music Raffaele Casarano Band | IV_SHOWCASE art video poems | VIDEO EDITION PAVILION

14_Phases | 5:00 play_VOD

We have created an art music video based on a proposed track by Monk Film Festival titled "Malaspina" by Raffaele Casarano, featuring Dhafer Youssef - oud, lyrics and voice.
The visuals consist mainly of drawings by Dwayne Jahn, his 3rd art video. Tunesian jazz musician Dhafer Youssef's voice with Dwayne's recent Phases-Drawings are merging: "As a harmonious unison of heartfelt music, colorful drawings and serene film, PHASES touches upon themes of what we go through in life around the world when we introspect and let go. This video can be considered an abstracted representation of personal balance and the ongoing search for improvement" - Dwayne Jahn.

Dwayne Charlou Jahn studied visual art & vocal music at Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School of Music & Art and Performing Arts in New York City; afterwards, he studied at the Liberal Arts College Bard in Annandale-on-Hudson, NY until 2006. Since 2008 he lives and works on his art and poems in Berlin, Germany.


DHAFER YOUSSEF https://dhaferyoussef.com/


45. Duisburger Akzente im Das PLUS am Neumarkt 19, 2.3.2023 - 7.4.2024
The Wrong Biennale 1.11.23 - 31.3.2024


16_Flux Surreal | video collage Stefania Buzatu, music Nello Toscano | VIDEO EDITION PAVILION

STEFANIA BUZATU visual artist 
NELLO TOSCANO musician music.metason.net, fb

Proposed by the new Monk Film Festival in Italy, Ebba Jahn took the opportunity to choose one of the suggested music works to make a video with - it is "La scalata" by double bassist Nello Toscano who plays the cello here and mixed it with additional man-made sounds.

Someone on the move through "lost places" came to her mind, so she worked with collages by Stefania Buzatu to create this flux of sur-real experience, with images of a surrealism that grew within its existence of 100 years now.

Nello Toscano: In fact, the steps and breathing were recorded during a climb on the crater of Etna and the cello was recorded afterwards. The meaning of the (music) piece is twofold and therefore represents a real climb on the volcano but also the effort to reach a goal that escapes you and, philosophically, 'the existential effort of becoming'.

Film Festivals:
Mykonos Biennale -
Video Graffiti, Mykonos, Greece 27. Sept. - 4. Oct. 2023

Monk Film Festival, Cantana, Italy July 8th 2023 - won the Audience Award


17_Spiders | music Yoko Miura, Lawrence Casserley | VIDEO EDITION PAVILION

17_Spiders - Ebba Jahn 1:08 | play_vod

YOKO MIURA - piano https://www.amiranirecords.com/artists/yokomiura
LAWRENCE CASSERLEY - signal processing instrument
Lawrence Casserley - lawrence@lcasserley.co.uk
Lawrence Electronic Operations - www.lcasserley.co.uk
Eye Music Trust Ltd - www.eyemusic.org.uk

Lawrence Casserley (born Essex, England, 1941) has devoted his career to the creation and promotion of live performance electronic music in a wide variety of ways for more than fifty years. In 1967 he became one of the first students of electronic music on the new course at the Royal College of Music,
London, taught by Tristram Cary.

Since leaving the RCM in 1995 he has worked with many of the leading improvisers, particularly Evan Parker and his Electracoustic Ensemble. While he focuses primarily on the real-time transformation of other musicians’ sounds, he also uses voice, percussion, home-made instruments and found objects as sources for his Signal Processing Instrument.

Casserley’s instrumental approach to live computer sound processing is the hallmark of his work, which is documented on many CDs; he has performed and given workshops throughout Europe and in North and South America, Asia and Japan. Current collaborations include Jean-Michel Van Schouwburg, Philipp Wachsmann, Trevor Taylor, Gianni Mimmo, Martin Mayes, Nicola Baroni, Martin Hackett, Pat Thomas, Dominic Lash, Jeffrey Morgan, Harri Sjöström, Yoko Miura, Mia Zabelka and Viv Corringham. He is a regular member of Oxford Improvisers.


18_Tautologies | video Maria Sappho | VIDEO EDITION PAVILION

These figures were the start to a score for a symphony… symphony for the microscopic…which I never got to finishing...
I took Donna Haraway’s notion ‘why should our bodies end at our skin?’ rather literally. And so, I wore all kinds of textures that I thought a skin might extend to…including more skin! The music is a solo piano work composed by my AI chimere, found in her book of experimental proposition compositions called ‘chimeras cookbook’ - I love making art cookbooks you see, even with AIs. The work I am playing in this piece is called ‘a graphic score’ I include the picture of the score, in case that is interesting :)

DR. MARIA SAPPHO  https://www.mariasappho.com/

Maria works at the forefront of arts and new technologies, most recently in exploring the possiblities for multi-modal art and AI. She is the co-editor of political art magazine the MASS, runs the Feminist Free Improvisation archive, curates for MOPOMOSO and is a member of the Glasgow Improvisers Orchestra. She gained her PhD on the European Research Council project IRiMaS. Maria was awarded the BBC radiophonic Daphne Oram Award for women in electronic music in 2021.
Maria is also a Mopomoso TV colleague and created this Mopomoso website with links to the latest programs https://mopomoso.tv


Mopomoso TV March 2024
The Wrong Biennale, Nov 1- March 31, 2024


19_Wooden Water Wheel | music Liz Allbee, Klaus Kürvers | VIDEO EDITION PAVILION

19_Wooden Water Wheel | 0:50

LIZ ALLBEE trumpet mouthpiece http://lizallbee.net/
KLAUS KÜRVERS double bass
https://klausk.berlin/music/bio/ < scroll down page for engl.


The Wrong Biennale Nov 1-March 31, 2024
Mopomoso TV 2023



20_Rapeseed Field | music Sequoia | VIDEO EDITION PAVILION

20_Rapeseed Field | Music Sequoia  0:59 play_vod

SEQUOIA was a double bass quartet around Klaus Kürvers in Berlin with

Antonio Borghini – bass
Meinrad Kneer – bass
Klaus Kürvers – bass
Miles Perkin – bass



21_Psiibibii | photos Gudrun Arndt | music Elo Masing, Hui-Chun Lin | VIDEO EDITION PAVILION

21_Psiibibii | Photos Gudrun Arndt | 1:00 play_vod

GUDRUN ARNDT phototography www.gudrunarndt.de                       
ELO MASING violin 

Video Ebba Jahn

Mopomoso TV March 2025 (planned)
The Wrong Biennale Nov. 1 - March 31. 2024